Monday, August 30, 2010

Green Cards! and new video feature...

We are all official! We got our NIE numbers, which required us all to get fingerprinted (see C.C. getting printed in the photo of the day, below). The NIE is basically a green card, so I feel like a real—legal—immigrant. This means we can get health insurance, use the city biking system, and lots of other things. It turns out everyone seems to ask for your NIE number, like when you join the aquarium or get a bank account. So we are making progress.

At Borg and Olga’s the other day, C.C. discovered the “video” button on her camera, and amused herself for a very long time making videos of her dinosaurs; it's become a daily activity. She even figured out that she should put the camera on top of a still object so that her hands would be free to work the dinosaurs. She asked if we could attach her favorite so that you all could see it. You Tube here we come!

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