Sunday, October 17, 2010

R and R

Human Highlighter Suit Tally: 7

We’ve had a pretty relaxed weekend following our dinner party.  After slowly finishing the rest of the cleanup yesterday morning, Alec took the kids for haircuts, and we hung out at home until the late afternoon when we went to meet some friends at the Miro museum.  We went back to the Pipilotti Rist exhibit, because the kids loved it and so did we.  Given that none of us was too energetic, it was the perfect place to absorb a little culture.  The main part of the show consisted of three large rooms with video projections on all four walls.  The floors were strewn with large pillows, so you could just lie back and chill.  The kids danced around and did somersaults—see photo below.  One installation had video projected onto the floor, which they thought was terrific.  All of the adults stayed outside looking in, while the kids marched right in.  They got scolded by a guard for being a bit too rambunctious, but I’d bet the artist would have been delighted to have seen the way they enjoyed the work.  We ate leftover wild mushrooms on top of pasta—super yummy.

Today we all stayed in our pajamas until about 3 pm.  I did my Spanish homework, and we worked on the kids’ Halloween costumes.  C.C. is going to be a wolf and Milo a bat.  I found the patterns on the Martha Stewart website—you start with a hoodie and make a face with felt and glue it on.  Really easy and super cute.  Now all we need are some pipe cleaners to make the ears stand up.  I have no idea how to say “pipe cleaner” in Spanish and I’ve been into a few stores asking for long skinny metal things that are fuzzy and come in lots of colors.  You should see some of the looks I get.

The day was gorgeous and we decided we couldn’t stay in all day.  I had a hankering to walk, so C.C. and I headed up to the Carretera de las Aigues in the car, while Alec and Milo went to the park behind our house to play basketball.  On our hike, C.C. and I saw three wild pigs snuffling and snorting in the underbrush.  She thought it was “awesome” and so did I.


  1. could the pigs have been Havelina's?

  2. I will try and find out! Javelina hot spot in Barcelona!
