After a morning spent dealing with the bank--one last administrative errand while we still have Myron and Raquel here--we met Marty Goldensohn and his wife Ruth for lunch at a Gallician restaurant not far from our house called Il Gallego. Eating Gallician food outside of Gallicia with Raquel is always a risk given that that's where she's from and that she is an excellent cook and fierce critic. Marty and Ruth are very good friend of my very good friend Norm Glickman and his wife Elyse, and we all spent a few lovely hours stuffing ourselves silly. Raquel ordered, and soon plate after plate arrived, starting with a pan tomate (toasted bread rubbed with tomato and garlic), which is actually a typical Catalan starter. Plates of shrimp, clams, mussels octopus, pimentos da padron, sliced ham with potato, and a few other things I can't remember followed. Thanks to the iPad, which comes everywhere with us, along with some markers and paper, the kids behaved great.
Hot today, and humid. After lunch we strolled slowly home through the empty city streets--nearly everyone leaves the city in August
we like food pics! more food pics please.