On Wednesday, Barcelona had a general strike—the first in many years—so the kids had no school and we were encouraged to telecommute. I met with Manuel in the morning, walking about a half hour from our apartment to his in the middle of the city, and there did not seem to be much activity. No more traffic than usual, and most businesses had decided to open. I will do my best to read the paper today and see what the post-mortem is.
Given that we had nothing else we had to do, it was also the perfect opportunity to continue my birthday celebration! I had not yet had cake, after all. It was Myron and Raquel´s last day, so we decided to have a birthday lunch, since they were not around for my actual birthday, and headed up to the hills to a restaurant called Can Martí, that is near the trail where I walk, way up above the city. Lisa, Jaume, and their kids joined us too. Beautiful view, casual, and decent food. Perfect for the kids, who ran in and out the whole time. At one point an aging spaniel circulated under the tables, brushing against our legs and looking for tasty crumbs. Alec had ordered a cake from a bakery that makes old-fashioned American style layer cakes, and also sells things like liquid vanilla and confectioner’s sugar, that are difficult to find here. Almond cake with praline filling and chocolate frosting. Delicious.
It was another in a string of truly gorgeous days, and so we took a nice long walk on
the Carretera de les Aigues afterwards, going as far as a point at which you can see the whole city spread out below you.
We got home at about 6:30, and there was a Barça game on, so we flopped on the
couches and watched. C.C. made some dino videos and worked on a new animation
program I gave her—stay tuned for some animation! We were tired, and I was not
feeling particularly well—some stomach upset—so hit the sack early.
Myron and Raquel headed back to Vigo yesterday morning, and I think we were all sad to see them go. We still have a lot of pig leg left to eat!
When I showed up at my office on Thursday, the front of the building had been spray painted by the strikers—apparently we were nowhere near the real action.
And today, in a sort of supreme irony given that I have been doing more yoga and Pilates than I have in a long while, I wrenched my back in the middle of a yoga class. I hope I’m not on the DL for too long, because it’s been feeling really good.