You've gotta love a city that takes a strong stand against peeing or pooping in public. Not only are there severe fines, and flags advertising them, but also 350 public toilets! I have not seen or used one yet, but I'll be sure to let you know when I do.
We took the kids to their school today just to see it, walk around, check out where they will be. C.C. found out that they have lots of activities, like "pajama day" so she is happy about that although otherwise still quite grumpy about the fact that we've moved here. One of us has had to stay with her every night until she falls asleep--which means that who ever gets the job is likely to fall asleep with her.
We also went to the Boqueria---the king of all public food markets here and perhaps anywhere; it even gives the Ferry Terminal Market in San Francisco a run for its money. Alec had razor clams (navajas) which he loves. And as long as we can find places that have french fries and spaghetti, it's unlikely our kids will starve.
would love to take a trip to the food market withyou I love food too